What is another word for running errands
What is another word for running errands

The heroes go to the generator room, seeing the leak in the roof caused a short-circuit.

what is another word for running errands

Nurse Joy calms down everyone and tries to activate the system, but fails. A leak in the roof causes water drops to affect the generator, causing a blackout. However, the rain still has not stopped, so they decide to stay a bit longer. Nurse Joy comes back and gives the heroes their Pokémon back, who are healthy. Clemont decides to speed up the data analysis, causing the machine to overload and explode, leaving the heroes burned. Bonnie replies the rain would stop before they get the news. He starts collecting data, claiming it should take for a day to make the perfect forecast. Bonnie wonders when it will stop raining, so Clemont, his eyeglasses flashing, presents his new device, a weather forecasting machine. They give their Pokémon for Nurse Joy to check up on. The heroes arrive in the Pokémon Center, as a shelter from the rain.

  • A mundane mission of no great consequence, concerning household or business affairs (dropping items by, doing paperwork, going to a friend's house, etc.When the power in the Pokémon Center blows a fuse, Clemont sends Chespin along with Bunnelby to get a new fuse for the center, but they are faced with several obstacles.
  • In this evil hour I have come on an errand over many dangerous leagues to Elrond: a hundred and ten days I have journeyed all alone. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring Few have ever come hither through greater peril or on an errand more urgent.
  • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte d'Arthur What will ye, said King Arthur, and what is your errand?.
  • ( literary or archaic ) A mission or quest.
  • what is another word for running errands

    A journey undertaken to accomplish some task.English Alternative forms įrom Middle English erande, erende, from Old English ǣrende, from Proto-West Germanic *ārundī ( “ message, errand ” ).

    What is another word for running errands