(At the height of the activity a grotesque figure suddenly appears at the lop of the staircase. He whirls her back into the dance, as the music heads towards its climax.) Eventually RAOUL rescues her and holds her tightly. But too many of her partners seem to be replicas of the PHANTOM, and each spins her with increasing force. (Dance section, in which CHRISTINE, almost coquettish almost jittery, goes from man to man.

She is admiring a new acquisition: an engagement ring from RAOUL, which she has attached to a gold chain around her neck.)

(They clink glasses and move off RAOUL and CHRISTINE emerge. (The ENSEMBLE activity becomes background, as ANDRE, FIRMIN, MEG, GIRY, PIANGI and CARLOTTA come to the fore, glasses in hand) Among the GUESTS are four carrying strange percussion instruments: a monkey with cymbals, a toy soldier with a drum, a triangle, bells. (The gauze lifts fully to reveal the staircase of the opera house. The two skeletons see each other and approach nervously) FIRMIN arrives.He is also dressed as a skeleton in an opera cape. He is dressed as a skeleton in an opera cape. The guests (whom we cannot yet see clearly) are in fancy dress, a peacock, a lion, a dragon, Mephistopheles, a highwayman, a clown, knights, ladies, an executioner. (A gauze half conceals the tableau of guests at the opera ball. THE STAIRCASE OF THE OPERA HOUSE, Six Months Later SCENE EIGHT - Down Once More Track Down This Murderer SCENE FIVE - Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again Wandering Child Bravo, Monsieur Phantom of the Opera, with some modifications to match my copy of the libretto. 'The Phantom of the Opera' Lyrics - Act II