AVMS enables Agencies to procure anti-virus capabilities that protect their network infrastructure.ĪVMS provides the most current anti-virus software and tools. Anti-virus applications are constantly active in attempting to detect patterns, activities, and behaviors that may signal the presence of viruses. AVMS enables the detection and removal of viruses by scanning Agency systems and traffic for patterns, activities, and behaviors that may signal the presence of malicious code. Managed E-Authentication Service (MEAS)ĪVMS is a service that was not offered on the original FTS2001 contracts.Intrusion Detection and Prevention Service (IDPS).In addition to this mandatory level of security, the Networx contracts provide additional security services that may be ordered on a fee-for-service basis. These requirements are detailed in Section C.3.3.2 of the Networx contracts. The contracts employ adequate and reasonable means to ensure and protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of Networx services, Operational Support Systems ( OSS), and Government information transported or stored in the contractors Networx services infrastructure. The Networx contracts require a basic level of security management for its contractors that ensures compliance with Federal Government generally accepted security principles and practices, or better.