The helmet now sports a segmented knight comb, the wings are now blue and with a golden yellow frame connected to a yellow border around the faceplate. The downward pauldrons are now horizontal with two gold accents and a blue protrusion at the end.

Valtryek's light-blue armor now has blue sections: the hands, bicep area, abdominal plating, and the shin guards. The armor also sports gold plating: an abdominal one, one on the back of each hand, one on each knee and a gold outline on the shin guard. Valtryek is an androgynous humanoid clad in light-blue armor with a large gold "V" on the chest, a turquoise cape, a wing-style buckle, has six yellow eyes, a helmet with purple wing-style appendages, wields a thin jagged sword with a four-pronged hilt and a black hilt, and rides a dark-blue wingless horse with dark-gray plates and mahogany mane and tail.

Appearance Victory/Genesis/Strike Valtryek